C.T.T.C Academy CCNA Routing and Switching C.T.T.C Academy
Price: PKR 10,000

Course details

CCNA Routing and Switching teaches comprehensive networking concepts, from network applications to the protocols and services provided to those applications by the lower layers of the network. Students will progress from basic networking to more complex enterprise and theoretical networking models later in the curriculum.

Introduction to Networks

Exploring the network, Configuring a network operating system
Application Layer, Transport layer
Network Protocols and Communications
Network Layer
IP Addressing , Subnetting IP Networks
Network Access
Routing & Switching Essentials

Routing Concepts
Static Routing, Dynamic Routing
Switched Networks
Switch Configuration
Access Control Lists
Scaling Networks

LAN Design
Scaling VLANs
Spanning Tree Protocols
Etherchannel and HSRP
Dynamic Routing
Single-Area OSPF
Multiarea OSPF
Connecting Networks

WAN Concepts
Point-to-Point Connections
Branch Connections
Access Control Lists
Network Security and Monitoring
Quality of Service
Network Evolution, Network Troubleshooting
Updated on 13 June, 2019

About C.T.T.C Academy

C.T.T.C Cisco Academy has committed to enhancing the quality and professionalism of IT Industry by administering and supporting quality education programs and industry recognized certifications. Whether the need is to train individuals the use of the latest Office Application or to retool engineers to support cutting-edge digital networks C.T.T.C has the skill, knowledge and personnel to deliver the solution for your need.

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