Udemy Parenting: Life Skills for Children's Development Udemy
Price: USD 25

    Course details

    Earn the confidence to help your child positively grow in the six primary life skills areas & support their development

    Learn how to improve your child's: 

    • Language
    • Social and Personal Confidence 
    • Physicality 
    • Understanding and Acceptance of Others
    • Fascination with the World Around Them

    Our children are on their journey towards independence from the day they are born. In order for them to live positive independent lives without us (their parents), we need to teach them essential life skills. These valuable life skills can not be learned from a book, school, or even an app. They must be learned from parents and other important adults and role models in their lives. 

    In this course, you will get an insight into life skills as they apply to your child's development and discover how you can help your child grow in each area. Together, all of the pieces of this developmental puzzle will fall into place as we discover each life skill and how to better help our children. 

    You will enjoy in-depth, well-organised material covering each life skill: language, social competence, personal competence, nature, culture and values, and body and movement. Each skill is broken down with practical exercises that provide real world application to help you immediately reach your child and watch them positively develop and grow. 

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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