Udemy Paint Realistic Watercolor and Botanicals - STUDIO BASICS Udemy
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This is a foundation watercolourcourse from ahighly experienced,competent artist and tutor.This tutorialis jam packed with wonderfulhints, tips, and insights on everything from studio environments, to materials, toimportant work practices. The course finisheswith 2 levels of exercises,specificallydesigned to familiarise you with the most commonwater-colour techniques neededfor realistic watercolors and botanicals. This comprehensive guide will definitely get you off on the right foot... and to keep you going and growing! With wellover 3 hoursof knowledgerich content on how to get startedin this medium, thisis awonderfulopportunity to gain qualityinsights into the beautifulworld of water-colour painting, and launch you onto your own painting path successfully.

Updated on 11 March, 2020
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