Udemy Overwhelmed & Uncertain? Your Peace of Mind is in The Bible. Udemy
Price: USD 25

    Course details

    Why is it so important to read The Bible?

    The Bible is the word of God.

    It gives God's answers to your questions and solutions to your problems.

    Many get help by reading The Bible.

    It is our belief that if you are reading this,

    then this "Bible Study You Can Do" series is for you.

    Because an experience of creator awakening is then born. An era of remembrance by asking:

    1. Am I Willing to Remember The Creator?
    2. What is Limiting Me from Remembering The Creator?
    3. How Can I More Fully Remember The Creator Which Resides Within Me?

    "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God..."

    John 1

    The beloved answers you receive for yourself asking such questions, will support your inner expansion. Experience for yourself the power of The Word.

    So You Can Experience the Expansive Love Series.

    "A Bible Study You Can Do"


    "A Bible Study You Can Teach."

    Your Peace of Mind.

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    Updated on 22 February, 2016
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