Udemy Optimize Your Ideal Life: Find Balance- Live Life On Purpose Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    This course is all about Life Optimization - how to get the most out of your life and the time in your day. In it, you will learn how to balance your work time and play time, visualize your ideal life and ideal day, and build motivation to get stuff done. You will also learn how to create safeguards and accountability to keep you on track with your life goals.

    Find the answer to your productivity problems by learning to level up each aspect of your life bit by bit so you can achieve your goals and accomplish your important projects and tasks.

    • Learn to manage a to do list.
    • Follow through on commitments.
    • Beat procrastination.
    • Leverage technology to get the most out of the best tools out there.

    Live out your life's purpose each day and create a successful morning and evening routine

    The world's top successful leaders use daily morning routines

    • Tony Robbins
    • Steve Jobs
    • Benjamin Franklin
    • Michelle and Barack Obama
    • Jennifer Anniston
    • Ernest Hemmingway
    • Winston Churchhill
    • Oprah Winfrey
    • Tim Ferriss

    You can join them! You will also learn about daily meditation, EFT tapping, journaling, and other motivation techniques to show and remind you what your life purpose is. 

    Transform Stress to Success: Create change and empower your life by using the 80/20 principle and eliminating wasted time and procrastination. Figure out your main life goals and how to achieve them consistently using the Slight Edge and compounding principles. Master a healthy, happy lifestyle using tools such as Todoist, Google Calendar, Impetus Timers, Beeminder, Voxer, Mint, and Google Inbox.

    After taking this course, you will know how to structure every day and follow it successfully. You'll be able to break your goals into manageable and achievable tasks with specific times to accomplish them so you don't feel overwhelmed with the "bigness" of your life. Live a full, productive life while still enjoying every minute of it.  Become inspired to live the life you fully enjoy!

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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