Udemy OOP, SOLID design & Profiling with Unity Udemy
Price: USD 120
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This courseis the second chapterof a series of training on Unity,focusing on team work between designers,artists and programmers.

Every chapterin this series touches on a specific subject of the game industry.This coursefollows onthe previous chapter, touching on themodel-view-controllerdesignpatternand covers everything you need to know about software architecture with Unity.

In this chapter, we're going to start of the end of the previous chapterin which we started to build the data structure and base architecture of aGuitarHero, orTap Tap Revengelikegame.

As suggested in Agile practices, we're going to start with a simple requirement, which willallowus to think the architecture of the project. We're going to add a Debug Helper component, so that designers, artists and QA can easily test features. We're going to split Inputs from the Controller tomake it easier later to support multiple platforms.And we're also going to add depth to our TrackView so that it can be easily enhanced in the future.

We're going to review,and put in practicethe Object Oriented Programming fundamentals (Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism), and take advantage of AbstractGeneric Classes and C#Events.

We're also going to apply the SOLIDdesignprinciples :

  • Single Responsibility Principle
  • Open Closed Principle
  • Liskov Substitution Principle
  • Interface Segregation Principle
  • Dependency Inversion Principle

We'll touch on evaluation and compare Eager evaluation and Lazy Evaluation, outlining their benefits in the context of video game development.

Last but not least, we'll add custom profiling code to our classes and use the Profiler to compare the footprint of different designs.

At the end of the course,programmerswill have all the necessary knowledge and skills to design a game architecture to empower other programmers as well as artists and designers in the team.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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