Course details
How To Create A Money-Making Online Business As Done By Top Marketers Around The World...
How would you like to be able to build your very own wildly profitable Internet Business...
Join the ranks of top marketing gurus...
Achieve financial freedom... and live life on your terms? While these financial levels cannot be guaranteed, the strategies outlined in this program are derived from interviews with many of the top internet marketers today.
The Only Way To Success (That Most People Know)...
.... is buy e-books, courses, training programs - one after another - from different teachers and 'experts'...
Nothing wrong with that, except that you'd wind up with a bunch of contradicting schools of thought and advice...
That even if some of them are legit in their own rights, you'd be more confused than ever!
And There's One Problem Most Internet Newbies Are Not Even Aware Of...
Sometimes This Gets Even The Best Of Seasoned Marketers...
Everyone is so obsessed with shooting for the stars that they forget to ask where they are in the first place!
In other words: you need to know where you are right now before you know where you want to go!
Most people are so fixated on goals like hitting a high income level, and when they fall short of their mark they quickly get discouraged.
Or when things don't work out, they quit!
This Program is Broken Down Into the Steps Of Ascension All of the Top Marketers Have Gone Through...
4 Stages - and I think this describes everyone on the same journey perfectly. So here's how it goes...
Stage 1: Newbie
This is self-explanatory. A newbie is someone who is just starting out and knows almost nothing, except wanting to succeed and make money online.
Stage 2: Beginner
While closely related to newbies and used interchangeably, to me a beginner is someone whos been around for a bit of time (a few months) but hasnt made money or seen any real results yet.
This is also where a lot of people are stuck at validating a proven business model and making at least a few thousand dollars.
Once youve cracked the code, and consistently make income of at least $5,000 to $10,000 every month you move up the ladder
Stage 3: Advanced
In my opinion, anyone whos making at least $10,000 per month and above CONSISTENTLY are advanced marketers and skilled in their own ways
For most beginners, this is usually the most immediate income goal and state to be in.
I imagine that for a lot of people, earning a cushy 6 figures per year can get them the financial freedom they want.
This is often seen as the first stepping stone to achieving a deeper level of freedom, but it doesnt end here
The next common struggle at this stage is SCALING the business.
How do you take it to 7 figures and beyond?
At this point, marketers of this caliber scale what they already have: more traffic source, grow a team, increase their product prices
And when they do, they reach the coveted level of being a
Stage 4: Guru
I know this term carries a negative connotation among some people in the Internet Marketing space, but its an embraced term nonetheless.
Few people I know call themselves such, but well you have no control if other people call you a Guru Sensei Expert you get my drift.
At this stage, youre in the Million-dollar range and business is serious
The best part is: there is still more to come!
However, you get the idea
Of course, everyone has their own definition and yard stick of success. And this is mine, in a very simplified explanation.
The most important thing right now is to recognize where you are at FIRST...
WHERE you want to go...
... And HOW you want to get there!
And That's The Problem...
Most people don't know where they are at right now. And if they don't know where they are right now, how do they plan on going to the next level?
Also, assuming they KNOW what to do! (big assumption right there)
Look, this couldn't be more imperative. Because I believe in the saying, "What Got You Here, Won't Get You There."
Sure, you can do MORE of what you are doing right now but sooner or later you'll find there's a limit to your current model. You can only do so much with it.
So if you want to make an explosive income or get to the next level, this means you have to reinvent parts of your business, change your approach, and pivot along the way...
Unfortunately, most people aren't even aware of this.
And it took me a long time to figure this out.
That's why my business took on different forms and changed approach over the years. How I do business today is nothing quite like when I started.
Here's The Full List Of The Modules Covered In This Training Program...
Just starting out? Fundamentals are more important than ever at this stage. You don't want to be building a castle on sand!
Where most people find themselves in... struggling and wandering aimlessly for months, sometimes years... with little to no results to show for! This is the make-or-break stage and we cover the popular ways to make money for beginners:
1-0 What Is Affiliate Marketing
2-0 The CRAFT Strategy
3-0 The Myth of Affiliate Marketing
4-0 How to Choose the Best Product To Promote
5-0 Criteria of The Best Product
6-0 Killer Promo Secrets
7-0 How To 3x Your Commissions
8-0 Bonus Techniques
9-0 Types of Bonuses
10-0 Solo Ads to Market Your Business
You're minting some income now. It's time to take it to the next level by developing your own Products, funnel and scale your traffic sources...
1-0 Sales Funnel - The Basics
2-0 Components of a Sales Funnel
3-0 Introduction - Marketing Your Offer
4-0 Copywriting - Writing to Sell
5-0 Google Adwords - The Basics
6-0 Google Adwords - Strategies and Tactics 1
7-0 Google Adwords - Strategies and Tactics 2
8-0 Optimizing Your Google Adwords Campaign
9-0 Media Buying - Research and Analysis
10-0 Media Buying - Your First Banner and Offer
11-0 Facebook Ads - The Fundamentals 1
12-0 Facebook Ads - The Fundamentals 2
13-0 Warrior Special Offers (WSO)
14-0 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
15-0 Marketing on Instagram
16-0 Marketing on Tumblr
17-0 Marketing on Pinterest Marketing
So, you've made a cushy income, by my estimation a comfy six figures per year! But what's next? Now it's time to propel into gurudom by offering your own high-end Programs that seal your reputation as a tier-1 Internet Marketer (and be on your way to 7 figures!)
Updated on 14 November, 2018 - Read Less