Course details
>>> Make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing application such as fire fighting and remote control <<<
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More Than 700 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!
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This Course will teach you how to Make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing application such as fire fighting and remote control, This Guide will take… + Read More
Course details
>>> Make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing application such as fire fighting and remote control <<<
>>> Continues Updates <<<
More Than 700 STUDENTS!!! THANK YOU!!!
What students are saying:
Welcome to this course.
This Course will teach you how to Make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot and start making amazing application such as fire fighting and remote control, This Guide will take you in a step by step manner to know what each component inside thiscircuitis, and what it does and how to wire it up, starting with the Ultrasonic Sensor, IR Sensor, Motor Driverand ending with resistors.
You will know what is the actual working principle of Ultrasonic Sensor andIR Sensor and how to interface and configurethem correctly so that you can detect objects in the surrounding with your Raspberry Pi Powered device easily and effectively.
After this course you will be able to make your own Obstacle Avoiding Robot with Raspberry Piandthe choice is yours to use it in any application that comes in your mind and can make your life easier,since all connections are explained in details.
Goal From This Course:
- Connect Arduino Ethernet Shield to Arduino Board with all necessary Components and make it Internet Based.
Whatyou will learn in this Course
- How toConnect Motor DriverModule toRaspberry Pi.
- How toConnect Ultrasonic and IR SensorstoRaspberry Pi.
- How to Detect the presence of objects and takeActions Using Raspberry Pi.
- How Ultrasonic and IR SensorsActually Works.
- How to interface different type of electronic elements with Raspberry Pi.
- How Raspberry PiCan make your life easier.
- How Program, burn a code and wire Raspberry Piand different Modules.
- What are the right tools that you need to start making amazing projects.
- Why using Control with Raspberry Pi is better than traditional Control Methods.
Updated on 14 November, 2018 - Read Less