Udemy Nutrition for natural beauty from the inside out. Udemy
Price: USD 35

    Course details

    Too often, people are confused about what to eat, and when that happens, we end up eating foods that stress the body instead of fuelling it. This course you will learn the physical and emotional tools you need to make life-long changes.

    Even though learning about a healthy diet doesn't have to be difficult, support and education is essential, so by the end you will have a clear understanding what is healthy, what you should eat and why shifting your mindset to a positive one, will have a profound effect on your overall health, weight, wellbeing and beauty.

    Having created this course based on my studies, background and my own experience, I know what works and what does not work. My holistic approach decreases inflammation and allows you to uncover hidden food allergies or sensitivities by using an elimination diet. As well as feel more balanced overall.  This is not a quick fix diet, but a transformative lifestyle solution to make you feel great, look great and lose weight for good.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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