Udemy NLP Techniques for Astonishing Self Confidence: More Life! Udemy
Price: USD 97

    Course details

    Class updated 12-11-14

    This course will guide you through research-validated techniques for the achievement of high self-esteem and confidence

    Master NLP Techniques for Astonishing Confidence

    Discover research-validated self-esteem techniques

    • Master your confidence

    • Achieve your goals fast

    • Stop being held back

    • Unleash a dynamic you

    • Become confidently attractive to others

    NLP Optimal Performance Strategies That Will Make Your Personality More Magnetic

    Taught by a former Dale Carnegie Trainer, Master NLP Practitioner and Performance Coach this Self-Esteem program is designed to over deliver.

    During this coached process you will be required to pause the playback to best experience the exercises.

    NLP stands for Neuro (the science of our nervous system) Linguistic (the science of language and its impact on results) Programming (NLP was developed in the 70's when computer programming was creating a buzz. The NLP programming analogy refers to ours brains unique ability to consistently reprogram how we interact with the world, and generate dynamic results.

    "... Experienced a major shift" - Stacey Seen

    "...It is helping me every day...." - Dominic Campos

    "... get immediate results" Pierre English

    "...sharing what I've learned with family members." Annie Glynn

    Updated on 08 November, 2015
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