Udemy NLP- 7 Leadership Tips To Become A Great Leader Using NLP Udemy
Price: USD 90

    Course details

    In this course titled ' NLP- 7 Leadership Tips To Become A Great Leader Using NLP.' By Pradeep Aggarwal you will learn that-

    All of us want to be a great leader. Becoming a leader is not something which is very difficult but becoming a great leader is. A successful and a great leader is someone whom people look up to.

    This video course is designed to teach you how to become a great leader by learning the 7 leadership tips taught in the course.

    You will learn what exactly leadership means and the types of leaders.

    You will also learn Role Modeling to become like your more desired leader and act accordingly.

    In this course you will also learn relaxation to keep your mind more alert and relaxed. And also confidence anchoring to give you the confidence boost you require.

    This course is ideal for managers of organisations as they require top leadership qualities to become successful in their life and achieve their goals.

    It will also help students improve and enhance their leadership qualities and skills.

    This course contains 8 live recorded lectures and more than 30 minutes of content in English.

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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