Course details
We hear a lot these days about how testers should learn to code, become more technical, and have more development orientated skills. Unless you came into software testing as a 'burnt out' developer, it is unlikely that you have coding skills, or a deep understanding of the technical ins and outs of your current systems landscape.
What can you do about it? Programming is hard? How can you learn to code and still master your current workload, which keeps on relentlessly increasing?
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Course details
We hear a lot these days about how testers should learn to code, become more technical, and have more development orientated skills. Unless you came into software testing as a 'burnt out' developer, it is unlikely that you have coding skills, or a deep understanding of the technical ins and outs of your current systems landscape.
What can you do about it? Programming is hard? How can you learn to code and still master your current workload, which keeps on relentlessly increasing?
This tutorial will show you how easy it actually is, as a tester, to learn how to program. The hard part is always how to start. We will show you simple steps and get you up and running with Java & Python. You will write the simplest "Hello World" program. However, we will not stop there. We will then show you the 'next step', and get you to write more complex programs.
And there is more. As a Tester you know that just writing code is not enough. It has to be shown to work. So not only will we write some code, we will 'Test' it as well. To make this even more enjoyable, together we will write programs to control a simple USB Robotic Arm, connected to a Raspberry Pi computer, on which we will run and 'Test' our code. We Testers can have fun too!
Updated on 20 February, 2018 - Read Less