Course details

The world of work and organisationshas changed tremendously and due to technology the pace of change at work israpid. There is a challenge to continually deliver customer satisfaction,respond to market needs and to continually innovate.

As a result there is an increasingneed to get more and more from employees. More skills, more work, moreperformance, more initiative, more creativity and more openness to change.

This means the way people are leadand managed is crucial.

There is a need for leaders to demonstrate

·  A high level of interpersonal skills and the ability to communicate,motivate and mobilise people towards focused and shared goals.

·  The ability to create a positive working climate so that people feelfree to challenge and communicate their concerns and ideas

·  Involving people in decision making processes so that they cancontribute to the objectives of the company

This style of leadership is called "Empowerment" or "Modern Management" and this course delves into what this style of leadership is, the benefits of the style, what gets in the way of implementing the style. Leaders will be able to assess themselves and then create an action plan to develop their empowering leadership style further.

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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