Udemy Mindfulness Made Easy for Parents Udemy
Price: USD 30
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Why this course? There are lots of mindfulness programs out there.

Most mindfulness courses take lots of time every day. We know you are very busy. We know your job is stressful and many of you don't have time to implement a full blown mindfulness practice. This program is not only effective but it is short, simple, and easy to implement. We have developed an initial set of introductory material for each exercise but then the short complete mindfulness exercises are presented in video and downloadable audio formats.

How long does it take?

Each mindfulness exercise ranges from two to six minutes, You can do these simple mindfulness exercises at any time convenient to you throughout the day. For example, if you are feeling stressed,you can stop and take three slow breaths -- that is all there is to the two minute breath exercise.

They are so short. Do they really work?

Recent studies show that lengthy mindfulness exercises each day are not necessary to se many positive results. Here are a few of the testimonials from parents and caregivers who used the program;

  • "Mindfulness breathing and taking the time for it each daywas so important to me!"
  • "Calming myself through deep breathing."
  • "Mindful relaxation helped me become more aware."
  • "Learning to take the time to stop and relax."
  • "The meditative, safe place activity is helping me."

What do you mean by "mini-mindfulness habits"?

  • Let's start with the last word in that phrase --habits. A habit is simply an automatic response -- done without thinking.Habit is an interesting word. For some people it has a negative association. But, when you think about it, we are all creatures of habit. We tend to do the same things day after day. So the goal of this project is to develop the habit of being mindful throughout the day, being mindful and reducing our stress, being mindful and living a healthier life.
  • The middle word in the phrase ismindfulness.When people hear the termmindfulnessthey often think it involves a specific type of Eastern religious practice. The approach well share is scientific based upon the 100s of research studies documenting how the practice of mindfulness can change our brains in a healthy way. People who practice mindfulness show reduced feelings of stress in their bodies, and increased growth in self-control, calmness, and feelings of well-being. People who practice mindfulness feel less stressed; they feel better about themselves and they feel more effective in their work and relationships.
  • The first part of the phrase ismini.A mini-mindfulness exercise is a small short exercise. It is easy to do and takes very little energy to complete. So mini-mindfulness exercises are brief, simple, easy to do exercises that you can do every day. They take very little effort but will pay off in big gains in your well-being.
Updated on 14 November, 2018
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