Course details
This course is a fastpaced, supercharged course on the concepts of metaphysics. Although I briefly cover the science behindmetaphysics, I explain in practical terms how you can use the concepts andprinciples of metaphysics to improve your life. This course is designed to help build a positive mental consciousnessand create a life you desire.
Henry Ford once said:"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason thatonly a few are dedicated to it." However, thousands of people are doing just that. I have personallytaught hundreds of people how to use these scientific principles to improvetheir lives. I have observed with great joy these people applying theseprinciples in their life and I saw them rejoice at the wonders that began tohappen in their lives. I saw people come into money they didn't know they hadcoming to them. I saw people's health improve. I saw people's relationshipsimprove. I saw people find their perfect partner (a partner perfect for them),love was in the air. I saw people get the car of their dreams, get the house orapartment they wanted, and the jobs they wanted. These hundreds of people didall this by simply following a few metaphysical principles. The same principles you will learn in thiscourse.
You will learn about thepower of the mind and how the mind works. You will learn how to create powerfulstatements that, if used correctly, will change your life. You will learn how to use meditation in aneffective manner. Some people are intimidated by meditation. They think thatmeditation is only for Buddhist monks sitting on the mountaintops. I am going to debunk this by showing you howto use mediation to improve your life. I'mgoing to teach you about the wonders of the universe. When I say universe, I amtalking about the metaphysical or spiritual universe and how it works for us.That is what this course is about, a practical guide for the metaphysical andhow to use it to improve your life.
In lessons one and two, Idiscuss the concepts and principles of metaphysics. You learn about the powerof the mind. We discuss the definitionof metaphysics and that it is a science. We cover the study of metaphysics andhow thoughts go from the invisible to the visible. I gave examples of three greatthinkers and how they changed the world with their thoughts. There were manymore people that could have been mentioned, but I only mentioned three.
In lesson three,Icover, in detail, on what is a positive statement and how touse the affirmation. I talk about writing your affirmation, repeating itthroughout the day and seeing your desires manifest. I discuss how to write apositive affirmation, an affirmation empty of negativity. We discuss thenegative thoughts or doubts may arise when you start to think and read youraffirmations on a daily basis. I giverecommendations on how to silence these negative thoughts and instructions onwriting a second or third affirmation to negate these negative thoughts. Iclose lesson three with some affirmations to get you started, both as anexample on how to say these affirmations and as an example of how affirmationscan be written.
In lesson four, I give abrief summary of meditation. I teach four basic types of meditation:contemplative meditation, visualization meditation, focus meditation, and quietmeditation. I explain these meditative practices and practical examples of howthey can be used. I close the lesson with a meditation that contains someaffirmations that you can use in your life.
In lesson five, I talkabout religion and spirituality. I talk about the differences between religionand spirituality. I talk about the concepts of reciprocity and karma. I arguethat having a spiritual life is important in metaphysics and how youdetermine what your spiritual life should look like.
In lesson six, I do aquick summary of the first five lessons. I also tell you how I used these principles and practices in my life tobuild me the life I that I desired.
The power of the mind is very impressive. There are filmsabout people with incredible powers. Sometimes we think that it is all sciencefiction and most of it is. However, we metaphysicians know that not everythingis science fiction. When you think of traveling to another country, it may nothappen like in the science fiction movies where you are instantly transportedto that country. On the other hand, in metaphysics, we think about the idea oftraveling to another country. We write and believe the affirmation, visualizethe trip, and meditate on these thoughts. In time, maybe not at the moment, butsoon, we are traveling to that country and we are having the time of our lives. All of this may have seemed impossible beforewe set the intention, wrote the affirmation, and began practicing metaphysics, butnow it is happening.
As a bonus for takingthis class, I have included an additional class on how to create a vision board.A vision board is a visual representation of the life you want. I talk moreabout this in the bonus lesson. The main reason it is not included as a regularlesson is that, unlike all the other lessons, a vision board is not mandatoryto have a good metaphysical practice. However, many people, myself included,find that a vision board is a useful tool in our lives. Once you have followedthe principles contained in the first six lessons, a vision board should beeasy and fun to create.
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