Udemy Matrix Algebra... Fast! Udemy
Price: USD 20
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Need to master matrix algebra quickly?

This course has you covered!

Taught at an introductory level, this course will guide you throughall you need to knowfor a typicalhigh-school levelclass , though giventhe amazing utility of matrix algebra, the content is also useful for all sorts of college level disciplines too.

All theessentialtopicsare included:

  1. Basic Matrix Concepts
  2. Matrix Addition and Subtraction
  3. Scalar Multiplication
  4. The Matrix Transpose
  5. The Dot Product
  6. Matrix Multiplication
  7. Calculating Determinants
  8. Matrix Inverses
  9. Solving Systems of Equations Using
    1. Gauss-Jordan Elimination
    2. Matrix Inverses
    3. Cramers Rule

Essential matrix algebra operations are introduced sequentially, in bite-size segments, and ultimately wielded as master key to solve systems of linear equations, which areeverywherein business and the sciences.

The course format is a series of informal presentations,accessible to anyone, ofcentral concepts, followed by severalexample problems, together withstep-by-step solutions.

In other words, a simplified presentation, with explicitly solved problems Matrix Algebra... Fast!

BONUS!The course includes an60-page course bookletwithessential notes,worked problems, andadditional exercises!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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