Appxone Training Center MATLAB Appxone Training Center
Price: PKR 9,000

Course details

to Matlab

What is Matlab/, Application Areas/, Features
Installing Matlab
Matlab System/, Desktop Tools and Development Environment/, The IDE/, Matlab Command Line
The Language/, Mathematical Function Library
Graphics/, External Interface Library/, Toolboxes
External Interface Library/, GUI Development

with Matlab

Entering Matrices/, Viewing Matrices
Accessing Portion of matrices
Variables/, Numbers/, Operators/, Element-Wise Operation/, Concatenation/, Deleting Rows and Columns of Matrix/, Deleting Elements of Vector
Generating Matrices/, Loading Matrices from Files
Suppressing Outputs/, Entering Long Statements/,
Formatting/, Functions for Viewing and Modifying Environment
Some Useful Constants
Getting Help

With Matlab-I

Matlab Editor
Types of Matlab Programs
Flow Control
Conditional Control

With Matlab-II

Loop Control
Error Control
Program Termination
Keyboard Mode

5. Programming With Matlab-III

Multidimensional Arrays
Cell Arrays
Text (Strings and Characters)
StructuresArray of Structures

With Matlab-IV

Trigonometric functions

7. Graphics With Matlab

Predefined Graph Types
Graph Components
Graph Tools
Figure Toolbars
Plot Function
Subplot Function
Graph Styles
Inserting Text

8. Simulink

Simulink Software Basics
Creating a Simulink Model
Completing a Basic Simulation Workflow


Commonly Used Blocks
Continuous Blocks
Discrete Blocks
Math Operations
Ports and Subsystems
Signal Attributes
Signal Routing
User Defined Functions
Additional Math and Discrete Functions Updated on 23 January, 2018

Eligibility / Requirements

This course is designed for those students who are doing graduation or working in industry as a professional.
Least Criteria:
OR equivalent to intermediate
OR already have knowledge of the course

Job roles this course is suitable for:

Software Engineer , MATLAB and SQL Instructors , Engineer

About Appxone Training Center

ATC i.e. Appxone Training Center provides individual and corporate trainings and has created a pool of high quality Computer science , Electronics Engineers and IT professionals who are meeting the demanding needs of organizations for the latest generation of IT applications.

Within a short span of time ATC became a market leader in IT Training and Electronics Engineering. Every student or professional aspires for success. But becoming successful is not easy – success comes to those who have the confidence to succeed. Appxone Training Center has been providing quality education. We can say it proudly Electronics and Computer Science batches completed successfully so far. Besides all this also offering professional & job oriented courses under the supervision of experienced and professional teachers. Our Students learn making android and iphone apps and robots and learn languages at one place to meet the industrial criteria.

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