Udemy Mastering Siri Shortcuts in iOS Udemy
Price: USD 200
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Are you interested in learning how to write Siri Shortcuts using iOS 12?

Siri Shortcuts is a new feature of iOS 12 which allows you to streamline your tasks. And now you can learn it from the comfort of your home.. in your own time.. without having to attend class.

My name is Mohammad Azam, creator of many popular online courses includingMastering MapKit in iOS Using SwiftandCreating Stickers and iMessages Applications in iOS 10 Using Swift 3, Mastering ARKit for iOS, Blockchain Programming Using Swift in iOS and many more.

Ihave created over 2 dozens apps and some of my apps were even featured by Apple on the App Store. I have worked with fortune 500 companies as a lead iOS developer and helped them grow their business ten folds. At present Iam afull timeInstructor at DigitalCraftswhere I teach users how to create amazingapplications.

Whats stopping you from signing up to today?

  • You don't have enough time: Not a problem at all. We have designed the course so you can learn everything you need to know in less than 4hours.

Here are some of the reviews from our previous courses:

"His course is AWESOME very detail instructions."

"Mohammad Azam has an excellent teaching style which makes it easy & fun to comprehend these Swift features in such a short course & he explains the concepts in more detail & clarity than most instructors. Plus, his videos are well prepared & he's very articulate. I hope he will create more courses."

"Excellent teaching. Just perfect!!!"

Buy this course today and this is what youll get.

Firstly, Iam using Xcode 10with Swift 4.2for this course. Iwill show you how to integrate Siri Shortcuts with real iOS applications.

The course is accompanied with all the codesample files.

You will also receive a UNLIMITED support on Udemy forums. Iam very active on forums and make sure that every questions is answered.

Can you believe you get all this (and more) for just $199?

"Awesome class for really learning how to setup and implement MapKit in your iOS apps using swift. Def. one of the best classes I've taken on Udemy. Looking forward to more classes offered by Mohammad Azam. A++ class"

Why learn Siri Shortcuts?

  • Siri Shortcuts introduced in iOS 12 allows users to chain different Siri actions together. This means you can order coffee without even opening the app.

  • Siri Shortcuts also provides easy way customize custom responses. This makes your app more intimate and transparent.

  • By introducing Siri Shortcuts Apple has first time opened the doors to customize Siri. This is a very big opportunity for developers to create smart Siri Shortcuts.

  • Siri Shortcuts is a new feature, if your app provides Siri Shortcuts then it has better chance of being featured on the App Store.

Who is this for?

This course is for anyone who wants to take their skills to the next level. Siri Shortcuts is a new featureand developers will be jumping on it in the future to integrate with their existing apps.

Is this course right for me?

Look: if you are still not convinced then Iurge you to check out my 5 star reviews in other courses. Iam a well known developer in the iOS community with a large following. Ido a lot of speaking engagements in which I spread knowledge and education.

I am confident that you will enjoy the course and you will utilize the knowledge you learned in this course in your future applications.

What are the requirements?

  • A MacComputer

  • Xcode 10or above and Swift 4.2

  • Basic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK- I'll teach you everything you need to know about Siri Shortcuts

What am I going to get from this course?

  • Create Siri Shortcuts using NSUserActivity

  • Develop Siri Shortcuts Using Intents

  • Customize the User Interface of Siri Shortcuts

  • Implement Custom Responses

  • Delete Donations

  • Integrate Siri Voice Shortcut with your iOS App

Who is the target audience?

  • Anyone who wants to be an app developer: This is a complete course, just like my Complete MapKit, iMessages and Swiftcourses.

  • Anyone who wants to learn to code: Siri Shortcuts is the future and the future is rightNOW.

  • Anyone who wants to understand how computers work: Learning to code is so much more than being able to make apps - knowing how computers work is your key to a hugely powerful world.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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