Udemy Master Your Mind Meditation Course Udemy
Price: USD 100
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Youknowmeditation is good for you. Thousands of scientific studies indicate 76 benefitsof this age-old practice. It islife-changing on many levels.

Yet doing meditationconsistently, and doing itright, can be challenging.

Maybe you find it hard to establish a long-term daily meditation practice. You may feel you dont have thetime,disciplineormotivationto do so.

Or perhaps youre confused about where to start, which technique to choose, and what to do with your mind during meditation. This confusion can make you feel that you are just wasting your time or doing it wrong.

Im here to show howyou can make meditation work for you, and make it happen on a consistent basis, like anunbroken chain. With the right step-by-step instruction and guidance, building a solid meditation practice doesnt need to be hard.

Unfortunately, much of the advice out there on getting started with meditation is incomplete, ineffective, or confusing. The common advice out there...

  • Doesn't incorporate an understanding of habit science and the psychology of motivation;
  • Presents instruction in an overwhelming way (too many things to learn and absorb at the same time);
  • Asks for too much time commitment from the start;
  • Focuses only on one approach or technique, giving no choice or room for experimentation;
  • Doesn't take you very deep, but stays only with basic guided meditations;
  • Makes you dependent on a set of guided meditations, not allowing you to grow your own individual practice.

So thousands of people that could be benefiting from this practice are left out.

This motivated me to develop a meditation course that would allow more people to start off on the right foot, stick to the habit, and reap life-long benefits.


This course is composed of35 short daily lessons, organized by weekeach with its own unique themes, goals and insights. The program is self-paced, and the techniques are presented in a way that both secular and spiritually minded people can connect to. No particular belief or worldview is required for following the lessons.

The instructions areultra-specific,clear,and easy to follow. You will always knowexactlywhat to do each day. And there will never be too much on your plate.

This course will help you:

  • Develop the habit of meditating daily. You will start with sessions as short as 2 minutes, and increase gradually, up to 15-20 minutes.
  • Find the ideal technique for you. Each week I will introduce you to a new practice (such as mantra meditation, breathing awareness, chakra meditation, etc.). By the end of the course you will be well equipped to choose the technique that best suits your needs.
  • Have an optimal attitude towards meditation, so that you can enjoy the process as well as the result, and keep meditation as a lifetime habit.
  • Deepen your meditationand enhance your power of focus.
  • Integrate mindfulnessinto your daily life, through reminders, exercises, and daily challenges.

At the end of the course you will also receive an exclusive Meditation Cheatsheet, and instructions for the next steps in your practice. By this point you will have developed asolid habitand a good understanding of all theessential elementsof meditation practice. You will know exactly what you are doing.

This course integrates principles from habit science, positive psychology, and classical personal growth literature. The lessons are designed in a way that youcannot fail. It will be simple to keep up with the practice. No complicated concepts or confusing instructions.

Building habits has always been one of my core-strengths, and I know how empowering it is to have the ability to develop important habits. In this program you will learnimportant tricks, principles, and mindsets that make it all easier.

Master Your Mindcombines years of my personal practice (over 8,000 hours) and study of 70 different techniques, together with my experience helping thousands of people with meditation through my blog, courses,emails, workshops, and one-on-one coaching. Trust me, you willnotbe disappointed.


What would it mean for you to have more clarity, self-awareness, and peace of mind?

How would life be if you were in the eye of the storm rather than being overpowered by your own mind, with its thoughts of fear, anxiety, worry, stress, and negativity?

Meditation has the potential to give youso much, and createdeep transformationin your life. It just might be themost powerful habitin your life and its priceless!

To reap its benefits you need to practice itdaily and in theright way.Master Your Mindis the perfect tool to take you there. If you join the course and follow these simple steps, five weeks from now meditationwill bean integral part of your life. You will be meditating 15 minutes everyday and this will allow you to enjoy its many rewards.

Ill see you in theMembers Area!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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