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*** Course accessincludesquizzes &homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor supportandLIFETIMEaccess! ***
Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCHTechnical Analysis Courseon Udemy:
Very interesting and unique technical analysis course which will help to make decisions. The instructor clearly explains how to achieve and what to be done.
-Hari Kishan
This is a concise course on the benefits of using Kagi charts as a positional trading confirmation tool. I learned a useful skill here.
-… + Read More
Course details
*** Course accessincludesquizzes &homework exercises, 1-on-1 instructor supportandLIFETIMEaccess! ***
Hear why this is one of the TOP-NOTCHTechnical Analysis Courseon Udemy:
Very interesting and unique technical analysis course which will help to make decisions. The instructor clearly explains how to achieve and what to be done.
-Hari Kishan
This is a concise course on the benefits of using Kagi charts as a positional trading confirmation tool. I learned a useful skill here.
-Natraj Jayaraman
Yours tutorial are really good.
-Anil Kumar
TOP-NOTCHTechnical Analysis &Stock Trading Instructor
I currently have 64Courses with 17280+ Minutes of Content(286hours in total) with 60,000+ SatisfiedStudents enrolled.Thats 11+daysof learning material!
Technical Analysis &Stock Trading Course Details:
Kagi chart is a chart used for Following Price Trendsand to make decisions According to long term trends in Stock Trading . Kagi Chartdiffers from traditional Stock Trading charts Example Candlestick chart as Kagi isindependent of time.
Kagi charts were invented in the late 19th century in Japan for Trading Rice and was extremely Successful.
You cannot become a Expert Certified Financial Technician without learning Kagi charts.
Therefore this is your chance to learn a new Technical Analysis Skill. Kagi chart is askill only used by Professionals & Now its your time to learn.
This Technical Analysis Course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.
TheKagi chartis achartused for tracking price movements and to make decisions regarding Buying or selling ofstocks. It differs from traditional stockchartssuch as the Candlestickchartby being mostly independent of time.
This feature helps in producing achartthat reduces random Price noise.
Make Stock Market your darling and you will never see losses.
This course will teach you How Stock Trading Works & How to become a stock trading expert.
Disclaimer Note: This Technical Analysis & Stock Trading course is for educational and informational purposes only. Not recommending of any particular investments such as a particular stock or mutual fund.
Updated on 14 November, 2018 - Read Less