Udemy Logo Quiz Game iOS - Programmatically without Storyboards Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    This course will show you how to write logo quiz game using Objective-C programming language. It has 11 parts and it is over 2h long. Once you have the understanding of the process, you can extend the game to your liking and build up on it.

    Sample artwork of the images is included in download section for ease to follow the videos, so you don't need to wait until you create your own. PSD (Photoshop) mock ups are also included, so you can change the design of your game later. Complete Xcode project is available for downloads at the end of this tutorial

    Course also includes short bonus video on how to cut logos or images from white background fast - using channels in Photoshop. This method will save you tons of time to generate desired custom images for your own game. The method will be described in PDF also attached for downloads.

    We will be using:

    • NSArrays
    • NSDIctionaries
    • NSUserDeafults
    • "For" loop functions
    • NSPredicate and more...

    The whole course is structured in step by step process to make you understand the basic logic of the game. If you're interested to learn, to see or simply to know what logic is behind such a game, which will be written by using only code, this tutorial is exactly for you. All level of programmers are welcome!

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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