Udemy LINUX and BASH Shell Scripting From Beginner To Intermediate Udemy
Price: USD 45
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

This course will introduce you to the concepts of the Shell and Linux environment with network management and operationsusing Oracle VirtualBox tool.

You will find examples of Shell Scripting.Plus, this course provides extra exercises about LINUX, Virtualization, Network Management, Backup OperationswithShell Scripting. It takes you step by step with easy and simple to understand lectures within minutes. We will cover suchtopics as:

  • VirtualBox Installation on Windows step-by-step
  • VirtualBox with Virtualization capabilities such as virtual networks
  • Linux CentOS 7 Installation on your virtual machines step-by-step
  • Network Management between Windows and Linux machines
  • Welcome to the Shell World
  • Real World Bash shellscriptsto make life easier for your administration
  • Backup Operations between Linux Virtual Machines over RSYNC
  • Linux CentOS 7Commands and explanations
  • Automating Tasks withLinux Cron (Crontab) over Shell Scripts
  • Passwordless SSHAuthentication over Virtual Machines
Updated on 14 November, 2018
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