Udemy LinkedEnglish 2: Completing the English Pronunciation Puzzle Udemy
Price: USD 110

    Course details

    LinkedEnglish 2 is an in-depth English pronunciation course that will answer your most common questions about the way the native speakers speak English, such as:

    1. Why is it that I can't hear all the words in the fluent English speech?
    2. How come the native speakers pronounce some words more clearly and "hide" others?
    3. Why do they all speak so fast? Why can I never keep up with their speed?
    4. Why do some words connect in such a way that they don't sound like themselves anymore?
    5. How is the English intonation similar or different from my native tongue and what are the ways for me to master it?
    6. What is the rhythm of the English language and why is my speech not so rhythmic?
    7. Why is it so difficult to pronounce long sentences clearly and confidently?
    This course will not only answer these questions, but will help you solve them. There's plenty of practical assignments that will help you stay focused on the main principles learned and begin hearing and producing them in your speech. Dive in and let's learn to swim properly!
    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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