Udemy Learn Yoga : All Joint Exercises/Subtle Exercises Udemy
Price: USD 200

    Course details

    This course on Yoga consists of  rightly practicing  set of all body joint  exercises starting from toes to the neck  followed by Eye exercises :

    "Pawana muktasana  Practices -  A set of exercises involving each joint movement - one by one done with awareness-

    These subtle joint exercises are known as  Sukshma vyayama in Sanskrit and also referred to as  Pawana muktana series which bring flexibility to all the joints of the body and are done in sitting position:

    These are listed below:

    1. joints in Toes

    2. Ankle joints

    3. Knee joints

    4.Hip joints

    5. Akarana Dhanurasana

    6.Janu sirasana

    7. Half butterfly

    8. Full butterfy

    9. Padmasna- lotus posture

    10.Joints in fingers Fingers

    11. Wrist joints

    12.Elbow joints

    13. Shoulder joints

    14. Neck joint 

    15. Eye exercises

    16. Vajrasana - Thunder bolt posture

    This course starts with prayer and ends with prayer which is in Sanskrit language- which means wishing peace to all.

    Updated on 27 December, 2017
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