Udemy Learn Web Scraping with Node.js Udemy
Price: USD 75
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Inthis course you will learn how to scrape data from web pages usingthe Request and Cheerio node modules.
  • We'llbegin with an overview of how Request works to download pages andpipe out data.
  • Next,we'll look at the Cheerio and how we can use jQuery-like syntax toretrieve elements off a page.
  • Then we'lltake what you've learned to create 2 sample web apps to scrape anddisplay data first to our console then to a web page.

What You Will Learn:

- How to download web pages using Request.

- How to then grab elements from the page using Cheerio

- Display the data on a web page. First, we'll use Express and Swig to display Indeed job search data. Then we'll use Angular to show an image and other details after a user inputs a URL.

Who This Course is For:

- Anyone with an interest in web scraping using Node. This is a beginner level course, so the only requirement is that you already have node.js installed.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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