Udemy Learn Traditional Japanese Reiki –1st Degree Beginner/Shoden Udemy
Price: USD 40
  • Duration: Flexible

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Reiki Course - Learn Traditional Japanese Reiki 1st Degree (Beginners / Shoden)

Discover the 3 pillars of Reiki and receive Lifetime Attunement to this amazing energy source.

Hi and welcome to your 5 STAR Rated-Traditional Japanese Reiki 1st Degree (Beginners / Shoden)course, here on Udemy.

If you are looking to learn the ancient art of traditional Japanese Reiki, by discovering its THREE Pillars and receiving lifetime attunement to this amazing energy, so you not only benefit yourself from feelings of balance, connection, and clarity, but are able to treat and share this gift with friends and family, then this is the ideal course for you. Or as Wendy Dunai (UK) describes it:

"An interesting and exciting course on your journey through all aspects of Reiki. The course provides practical demonstrations on how to use the techniques you have learned. Watching the video demonstrations is both informative and relaxing to watch. An easy to follow course with follow up appointments and Attunement."

In this 3 hour, over 80lecture training, Ill be sharing with you

  • The origins and journeys of Reiki, and your Reiki lineage.
  • Reiju, which will give you your lifetime attunement to reiki.
  • The Gassho Meditation, which helps you to create mental and emotional space.
  • The Gokai, which is the secret art of inviting happiness into your life.
  • Byosen, the technique for detecting and treating illness in the body.
  • Reiji ho, the technique for tuning into your natural intuition.
  • Hatsurei Ho, the strengthening techniques for keeping your Reiki connection strong.
  • The Chakra system, the roadmap of subtle energy pathways in the body.

With this training, you will be able to

  • Understand why there are so many different variations of Reiki teachings.
  • Connect fully with your soul journey, and achieve greater clarity of your life purpose.
  • Feel calmer and more aware of your emotions and thoughts.
  • Develop and practice the habit of happiness and focus on positive outcomes.
  • Perceive, detect, and treat illnesses daily, through the channeling of Reiki.
  • Ask yourself important questions and hear your inner wisdom in making personal decisions.
  • Strengthen your connection to Reiki, and Power-up treatments of yourself, friends, and family.
  • Detect blocks within your chakra system and bring balance to your subtle energy pathways.

Once understood and adopted, this will allow you to

  • Effectively treat yourself, friends, and family by channeling Reiki.
  • Feel more confident, energized, and focused
  • Regain a sense of connection between yourself, your purpose, and the world around you.
  • Continue your Reiki journey byenrolling in the next stage,Okuden initiation/2nd degree, after which you can offer your services to the public.

Using the teachings of traditional Japanese Reiki, and my practice as a Reiki Master Teacher, or Shihan, Ive developed this course with the intention of teaching and empowering you to live life fully, through a deep understanding, and practical application of this amazing soul energy.

Through video training with me personally; workbooks, quizzes and training manuals for you to refer to after the course, I keep the science simple, the insight deep, and the practical application highly relevant. And it's not just valuable for beginners, or as Reiki Master and Teacher Jan Brocklehurst(USA) described it:

"Even though I am Master Reiki practitioner/Teacher the way it was taught in the West, I have learnt I feel for the first time exactly what Reiki energy is, explained so clearly. This has helped me feel more connected to my gift of Reiki."

So, simply click on the Buy Course button on this page, and youll be guided by me every step of the way from introduction through to completion and Attunement, and even beyond through on-line communication and regular updates, because I am committed to you not just learning, but benefiting from what you learn.

You see, I too was once at a point, where I was seriously lost and frustrated by the lack of purpose and progress in my own life, despite a deep desire to move beyond what I had created for myself through poor lifestyle choices and lack of self-care and love. Despite trying many philosophies and paths, it was Reiki that finally brought me the breakthrough Id been desperately trying to achieve. It gave me a sense of compassion and understanding towardsmyself, and taught me the practices that delivered greater clarity, a stronger understanding of self, and the confidence to make choices that better served me on my life journey.

Im now blessed to have many private clients and students, who because of Reiki, are finally moving forward to happier, healthier lives. But, not everyone, through location or resources areable to attend my private classes, and through Udemy, I am now able to extend my reach, and touch many many more people in need of a breakthrough, or who seek to learn Reiki to treat themselves and/or friends and family, and learn to have a meaningful and compassionate relationship with themselves.

It's always great to be recognised for the quality and effectiveness of my work, as it allows me to adjust and refine so I can continue to imporve this course. Travis Wade Mills, a Australian18 year Reiki Course Veteran and Master himself says:

"I have been a Reiki Master for 18 years and have done many online Reiki Courses. This one by Jo is certainly at the top of the list for online Shoden (Reiki 1) training. A Simply stunning and informative approach to Reiki. I encourage all levels of Traditional Western Reiki to do this course."

So, if youre willing to explore a new way of being, through an introduction to traditional Japanese Reiki, and arelooking for a course that allows you to progress at your own pace, and still be supported remotely, that is designed to really deepen your understanding and connection

Just Click on the Buy Course button on this page Now and lets get YOU started on the road to a new and powerful journey!

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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