Course details

In this course, you will learn the secrets of Japanese Candlesticks that have only recently been made available to western traders.  Here you will learn how to identify and interpret candlestick patterns the way the Japanese rice traders used them more than 200 years ago.  With this training, you can better anticipate market turns, pivot areas, bullish and bearish sentiment, and most importantly, make more money!

This training is brief (less than 4 hours) yet it includes all of the major candlestick patterns as well as general training on how candlesticks work.  It even includes a special lecture recorded from a live webinar of "candlestick identification" in action!  

You should take this course if you are interested in adding candlesticks to your technical analysis "tool bag".  It will help you:

• Get into trades sooner

• Get out of trades sooner

• Trade with more confidence

• Add to your general indicator analysis

• Get the most up-to-date sentiment signals

If you are a technical analysis skeptic, or if you only place long term trades and do not work on perfecting your market timing, this course is not for you.  

Updated on 22 March, 2018
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