Course details
In this course you will discover how to unblock negative thinking about yourself and your abilities, so you will feel an internal freedom to follow your dreams and be happier with who you are.
Over 500 students are already enrolled and enjoying the benefits of increased happiness!
You will learn some easy techniques to help you increase your own love and light and watch your life improve. You will understand why self-love techniques are the foundation of self-empowerment in everyone's life. No matter where you are in your life right now, as you learn to respect, appreciate, and love yourself more and on a deeper level, other things in your life will make a positive shift too.
Join the force of love so you can spread more light and happiness into the world, starting with yourself.
Latest Update: January 9, 2016
Build Your Foundation To a Happier and More Fulfilling Life By Challenging Yourself To Take And Complete All The Actions In This Course
- Understand that love is the foundation to happiness and empowerment in your life
- Identify areas that need your attention for you to feel emotionally free
- Learn do-it-yourself tricks to quickly get yourself back on track
- Find out how to love You the best
- Recognize that love will grow exponentially and that you always must start with yourself
- Understand that self-empowerment and love starts from within
In today's society we hear more and more about people being stressed out, depressed, and overwhelmed. More is expected of us with seemingly less time to do it. We are pressured to look a certain way and to be a certain way, and no matter how much we try we seem to fall short of these standards. This course will help You bypass all of this so that you can in fact love yourself just as you are. Appreciate your uniqueness and be exactly who you were meant to be - because that is where the magic happens!
What you are getting in this course
This course is divided into seven sections and includes lectures to go over specific topics related to the subject of growing your light and self empowerment through love. Self empowerment and Love isn't just a "fluffy" thing that people feel. Love has scientists and doctors engaged. Book after book have been written about the subject and there is more to love than just a feeling. This knowledge will help you understand why love is so important in your life and why it all starts with You. The lectures flows down into actions that will help you change your habits so that you can reap the benefits of love in your life as soon as possible. One important addition to this course is the EFT sections. EFT stands for 'Emotional Freedom Technique' and is an easy to learn technique I will teach you in order for you to get rid of blocks that may be holding you down. You see, if I tell you to look into the mirror and tell yourself that you are beautiful and nothing in you believes it; the exercise will most likely not work. With EFT we will change those beliefs and open ourselves up to love. In other words, with these combined techniques you will start to allow yourself to love yourself and with that comes true self empowerment!
Not only will you walk away from this course with new knowledge about love but you will also feel more confident and the the love inside and around you will increase.
I can't wait to meet you and see you transform!
Much Love and Blessings
~Helena, the SunnySoul Coach
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