Course details

Becomea Python Programmer!

Thiscourse is different from the others, in that each lecture willonly provide you with hints to solve the problem at hand. Youwill not receive hand-holding instructions. You will need to workto form your own understandings and solutions

Thisis done deliberately, because I believe any good skill needto be earned. Your brain will be much more engaged if itis asked to fill in the blanks. Instead of just listening andmemorizing huge amount of information. A more engaged brain duringlearning would definitely lead to a long lasting skill.

Apartfrom the introduction section, this course have 2 main parts. Thefirst part will provide a recap to key concepts of the Pythonprogramming language. The second part composes of 100 popular codingchallenges, often used by companies in testing junior programmers.Each challenge will have their solutions in PDF files attached tothe lectures.

Nomatter where you are on your learning journey. You should have a lookat the first part before embarking on the second. You could discovermany useful tool for the challenges to come. Try to solve the problemon your own first before peek at the provided solution though.

Youwill get lifetime access to over 100 lectures plus correspondingSolutions for the coding challenges. Plus, this course comeswith a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in anyway, you'll get your money back.

Sowhat are you waiting for? Learn Python in a way that will advanceyour career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practicalway!

Updated on 14 April, 2016
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