Udemy Learn How to Win Top Paying Copywriting Contracts Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    Sure, anyone can become a copywriter. But what does it take to become a TOP PAID copywriter? Now that is a whole different ballgame, one which requires a unique set of skills and a mindset of a winner.

    This course will teach you how to:

    1. Find top copywriting jobs.
    2. Successfully apply for top copywriting jobs.
    3. Keep those top paying clients for repeat business.

    Everything you'll need to succeed in becomin a top paid copywriter is included in this course. Better skill, I have condensed over a decades' worth of experience into a few hours so that you can hit the ground running as soon as possible. 

    My style of teaching is not to overload you with information, but to give you the essential you need to get started and develop your own method of finding, applying for, and keeping top paying copywriting contracts. Anyone who tries to sell you a fool-proof formula that works for every man and his dog...is LYING to you!

    So prepare for 2-3 hours of intense focus and application, once you understand and apply the lessons learnt in this course, you'll be ready to take the world of copywriting by storm!

    Updated on 14 June, 2016
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