Udemy Learn How Happiness Is Up To You-Whatever Your Circumstances Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    Learn the truth about how your happiness is up to you.

    Never again allow your happiness to depend on your circumstances.

    Train Yourself to Overcome Our Natural Negativity Bias

    Have Fun with All 10 Tried and Tested Happiness Exercises

    Monitor your Progress as You Go

    Learn About Emotions and How They Serve Us

    Find Out About the Different Types of Happiness

    Take control of your own happiness.

    I will be here to support, advise and encourage you through every aspect of the course.

    I am not going to make exaggerated claims about astounding success or making all your dreams come true. But I do guarantee that you will benefit positively by engaging in well researched and tested exercises to relieve stress, anxiety and even improve the symptoms of clinical depression. And they're fun too.

    With simple and easy to understand lectures, learn how to take charge of your life by understanding your emotions and about the science of happiness.

    Measure your own progress as we move through the course so that you can see the improvements in your happiness levels with concrete figures.

    Content and Overview

    After several years of studying the latest research on Positive Psychology and The Science of Happiness from the most trusted academic institutions in the world, I designed this course to be usable, fun and effective for everyone.

    We'll begin by looking at our emotions and how they are controlled by our thoughts.

    Then we'll move on the Happiness. Most people are not aware that there is more than one kind of happiness.

    We are all born with an inbuilt bias towards negativity but you will learn to know when and how to overcome it in order to get happy.

    With this important background information under your belt, you can then have some serious fun with the 10 exercises.

    Finally you take a look back over the exercises and I can help you to decide which ones you liked the best and are likely to incorporate into your life from here on in.

    I am available throughout to answer any questions or help with any problems relating to the course.

    Updated on 27 December, 2017