Udemy Lean Manufacturing made Easy - Introduction to Lean Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    03/03/2016- Course Updated added ABC's of lean, letters will be updated weekly.

    Lean 101 is the perfect introductory course. It helps Students understand the foundations of Lean. The course can be taken by any organization's entire workforce. It will provide you with an introduction to basic concepts of Lean; including:

    • Introduction to Lean
    • Where Lean Started
    • Toyota and it's influence on Lean
    • Basic Tools used Lean

    The workshop is suitable for people interested in finding out more about Lean or for individuals whose company just launched their lean Journey. With Lean spreading across the world this is the perfect course for any professional to take and place the certification on their resume. This course is suitable for all levels of Students.

    Updated on 02 November, 2015
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