Course details

What Will I learn?

Discover why yoga is important for children in our world today and how it is different than adult yoga.  You will also learn the top six benefits of yoga for kids and how to teach yoga to children that will give them the skills that will last for life. The top 8 breathing exercises and techniques will be taught that will help kids remain calm and focused in their daily activities.

Child-friendly yoga poses, games, exercises, and activities are shown that actually help children practice and remember the yoga postures. You will also discover the best mindfulness tips and relaxation techniques that really work with kids.

Take the guess work out of what is really effective with teaching kids yoga and get the top recommended resources including books, props, games, and materials.

This course is full of bonuses include a kids yoga lesson planning guide and templates, four kids ready to use yoga lesson plans, an illustrated yoga pose guide, the top resources for kids yoga, and a live yoga partner pose class with children.

A certificate of completion is awarded at the end of your course.

This is an introductory course to our Teach Yoga at School or Home online course.

Updated on 14 February, 2018
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