Future Institute of Higher Education Training for Ladies Jewelry Design Course Future Institute of Higher Education Training for Ladies
Price: SAR 8,000

    Course details

    This is a complete full-year programme in designing and making jewelry. Candidates are fully guided through every stage to translate their inspired ideas into workable, wearable designs. The Programme is approved and acredited by the TVTC, which gives which gives graduates a better chance in finding satisfying and productive employment.
    The designs are evaluated according to standard criteria based on design creativity, execution and originality. Accepted designs get the Al+ Read More

    About Future Institute of Higher Education Training for Ladies

    Future Institute of Higher Education Training for Ladies (FIL), previously known as Future Center for Ladies (FCL) is an institute established by senior educational experts in Jeddah in 1991 and is distinguished as a pioneer of further education in Saudi Arabia.

    To read more about the Future Institute of Higher Education Training for Ladies, and to see the varies courses they offer please visit the school page

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