Udemy iStart iBooks Author: Publish your book on iBookstore Udemy
Price: USD 149

    Course details

    Learn iBooks Author to publish your book on iBookstore.

    How do you define the word "ebook"? You might think texts and images on your digital devices. But, if you use iBooks Author to create your ebook, you will redefine the world "ebook." iBooks Author is the best tool you can create an ebook without any barriers.

    iBooks Author allows you to publish your book on iBookstore. A book created by iBooks Author is the most advanced and interactive that you have ever seen.

    The Story

    I had written and published my own book 'iStart iBooks Author(Multi-touch)' by using iBooks Author on iBookstore. And the experience with iBooks Author was quite great, because I could freely visualize my ideas through it.

    After publishing the book on iBookstore I have got some noticeable moments that I didn't expected.

    • First, my book became noteworthy on iBookstore.
    • Second, my book became the bestseller on iBookstore.
    • Third, Apple introduced iStart iBooks Author(Multi-Touch) at WWDC2013 session "What's new in iBooks Author.

    iBooks Author gave me the opportunity to finally visualize my idea! I believe that you can reach that with this course!

    Visualize Your Idea!

    Updated on 08 November, 2015