Course details
Do you want to learn how to develop Apple iOS iPhone or iPad apps? Looking to gain skills for a job? Or will you be feeling fantastic to see your very own app on the Apple App Store?
This Amazing 25 Lecture Course Will Turn You Into a Swift Ninja
Course topics include:
Time saving short cuts that no other course covers
Which apps make money on the App Store
How to quickly find free open source code you can use immediately in your app
Build apps to add to your portfolio or resume
This… + Read More
Course details
Do you want to learn how to develop Apple iOS iPhone or iPad apps? Looking to gain skills for a job? Or will you be feeling fantastic to see your very own app on the Apple App Store?
This Amazing 25 Lecture Course Will Turn You Into a Swift Ninja
Course topics include:
Time saving short cuts that no other course covers
Which apps make money on the App Store
How to quickly find free open source code you can use immediately in your app
Build apps to add to your portfolio or resume
This course will cover everything you need to begin your iOS career and help you see your appon the App Store.
I start off sharingwhat no other iOS course will share about making money in the app store. And before we start coding I share the real world mistakes to avoid; saving you time, money and headaches.
Among the topics covered:
Methods and Classes
Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming Techniques
Completion Handlers
Model, View, Controller programming architecture
Cloud DataStoragewith Firebase RealTime Database
Auto Layout
Git, Github and version control
How to resolve warnings, errors and crashes
Where to find the best open source code and free resources
Where to get real time help from over 20,000 iOS Software Professionals
This courseincludes every single step to get an app on the Apple App Store.
How would you feel having professional apps on your resume and in your portfolio? Beam with pride at the accomplishment of landing a job as an iOS developer!
And I'll share with you thesecrets to finding the highest qualityfree code that you can bring into your projects. You will walk away withtips on a successful beta and how to use social media to promote your app for free.
Purchase this course today and begin the transformation you most desire.
Updated on 14 November, 2018 - Read Less