Udemy Introduction to Linear Algebra Udemy
Price: USD 150
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

In this course, We will explain the essentials of Linear Algebra and everything that you need to understand the basics of linear algebra. We will cover content such as:

  1. Matrices and Linear System of Equations
  2. Gaussian Elimination
  3. Reduced Echelon Form and RREF
  4. Matrix Algebra
  5. Special Matrices, Diagonal Matrices, and Inverse Matrices
  6. Inverse Matrices and The Inverses of Transposed Matrices
  7. Determinants and computing the Determinant
  8. Much more!

By the end of this course, you should very comfortable with linear algebra and be able to follow throw any Math which uses the Linear Algebra notation.

You will also get answers to any questions on any linear algebra questions that you might have for life.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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