Udemy Introduction to Electronic Components: A Step By Step Guide Udemy
Price: USD 100

    Course details

    This course is intended for those interested in learning electronics.  The topics discussed during the course are listed here in a brief outline.  

    • •The Components of Electricity
    • •Volt-Ohm-Meter Basics (Measuring Electricity)
    • •Circuit Diagrams Basics (Electronic Roadmaps)
    • •The Resistor
    • •Ohm's Law
    • •The Capacitor
    • •The Inductor
    • •The Diode
    • •The Transistor (Electronic Valves)

    The topics up to and including Ohm's Law are what we will start with.  The remaining topics cover additional fundamental components of basic electronics.

    The course will be presented in platform discussion, guided practice, and open question format as the material dictates.  The course uses a standardized volt-ohm-meter (VOM) for illustration. 

    We will begin by discussing the three components that make up electricity.  Then extensive time will be spent on how to measure the three components of electricity.  During this section two of the three components (voltage and current) will be explored.  This section will cover VOM basics and allow you to become familiar with the most important and most basic piece of test equipment.  The next section on circuit diagrams will present how electronic components are symbolized on an electronic road map called a schematic or circuit diagram.  Many of the symbols presented will represent new concepts for many of you and these concepts will not be fully developed before the section is covered and many will not be developed at all during the course.  The intention here is to develop the fundamentals of interpreting circuit diagrams so that these illustrations of the arrangement of electronic components can be used to help with the remainder of the course.  The final of the three components, resistors will be covered next.  How the three component are related mathematically is Ohm's Law and this fundamental law will be covered in detail.  These sections make up the basic, basic material of electronics.

    Four additional components common to virtually all electronic circuits are the capacitor, inductor, diode, and transistor.  These topics will be covered with a level of detail that will familiarize the audience with the function of these components and the basics of how they work and react in difference situations.

    There are text reading assignments for each section of the course. 

    Updated on 16 March, 2016
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