Udemy Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning Udemy
Price: USD 200
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

Gain hands-on experience building a machine learning system and have a complete project you can add to your online data science portfolio, andcodeyou can adapt to just about any machine learning problem you may encounter.

This course is a comprehensive, foundational data science course where you'll learneverything you need to know to get started in data science.

Inthis course youplay the role of a data scientist for an online retailer, tasked with identifying sales trends and predicting future sales. To do that youll:

  • Take a business problem and turn it into a data question
  • Gather and prepare data for modeling
  • Test different machine learning models and createpredictions
  • Store and visualize the data and your results
  • Create reports in many formats charty goodness galore!

Along your journey you get hands-on with the latest machine learning with Python has to offer, including:

  • Python machine learninglibraries:Jupyter Notebook,Pandas,PivotTable.js,Scikit-learn,Matplotlib
  • Docker
  • Spark (PySpark)
  • Elasticsearch
  • Logstash
  • Kibana
Updated on 14 November, 2018
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