Udemy Introduction to AWS Lambda for beginners Udemy
Price: USD 35
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

AWSLambda is at the heart of the serverless architecture on AWS.Instead of having to provision and maintain servers, with AWSLambda you pay per execution and get a million executions per month for free.

Some of the applications and use casesof AWSLambda includeimage processing, log processing , security automation etc.

In this course, we cover the following things:

-Create a Hello world Lambda function and walk through the Lambda console.

- Automate starting/stopping of EC2 instances on a desired schedule using Lambda+ Cloudwatch Events

- Build a deployment package with external image processing library and build a serverless image processing app.

Why should you take this course:

- AWSLambda is easy to learn and fun to use

- You will build a image processing app which you can build on.

-You will get all the future updates on the course for free.

- In about 2 hours we cover the basicsof Lambdaand provide 4 demos.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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