Udemy Intro to course that teaches you to hear and sing "in-tune." Udemy
Price: USD 29

    Course details

    FINALLY a singing AND listening curriculum designed to train both your EARS AND VOICE!

    The cornerstone to singing "In-Tune" is the ability to "match pitch" (i.e. the ability to hear a note and recreate it with your voice).

    So, why choose Tune It Up? Because this innovative program is different than other ear training programs out there.

    How? Most of the ear training programs only focus on one thing training your ears. They have absolutely nothing to do with the voice part (singing). Tune It Up! combines both listening and singing, teaching your ears to hear "in-tune and your voice to sing "in-tune.

    So why not, "Tune It Up!"

    Full Tune It Up! course available at tuneitupcourse (.com) website.



    I really enjoyed having voice lessons from Amy. At first I was a little hesitant just because I am shy with my voice. However, I got comfortable really quick and got out of my shell! I learned a lot about voice technique, too. I can reach higher notes without straining, and I know it's healthier for my voice. I am so happy with my lessons, and can't wait for more! -Cora H.

    Over all I have really enjoyed the way Amy teaches. She always knows what to fix and how to fix it. She has definitely helped me improve a lot. - Whitney R.

    Tune It Up is a great course to help people train their ears and voice to be able to sing in tune better. It takes practice but it is simple and helpful.

    -Gary D.


    Tune It Up! is a singing and ear training curriculum designed to train your ears to listen "In-Tune" and your voice to sing "In-Tune." This course offers a carefully planned sequence of musical exercises and songs designed to "tune-up both your ears and voice.

    In the lessons you will learn how to train your ears to listen "in-tune and your voice to sing "in-tune through the use of vocal exercises, listening exercises, and songs, centered around the professionally-recognized ear and voice Kodaly concept of solfeggio (solfege or solfa), [Remember the "do, re, mi song from "Sound of Music?] You will also learn the basics of music theory including: rhythm, reading music on a staff, key signatures, note names, and musical signs and symbols.

    Follow the lesson as instructed and, put together with consistent daily practice, your ears and voice will improve!

    Join me now and let's, "Tune-It Up!"


    Updated on 08 November, 2015
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