Udemy InDesign CC: Book Production, Laying a solid foundation Udemy
Price: USD 50

    Course details

    This is an essential typography course. Books, almost more than any project, need superlative typography to enable your readers to actually read the book. Without these skills and knowledge, your books will be compromised before you even release them.

    You will discover why InDesign is necessary for book production. Word, and word processors in general, do not even have the capability of producing excellent typography.

    This course covers the basic concepts you need to understand before you start putting your book together: how to set up your document—size, margins, and column width; Typography: what it is and how you produce excellent, readable typography so you can design your paragraphs to enable your readers to comfortably enjoy reading your book. By the time you finish the course, you will be amazed at all you didn't know about typography, readability, and how to communicate with your readers [or the readers of your clients].

    Updated on 02 January, 2018
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