Udemy Improved Overhead Squat = Improved Full Body Mobility Udemy
Price: USD 20

    Course details

    This is a full body mobility and flexibilty Course with an emphasis on the Overhead Squat. At the end of the course you'll have the flexibility, mobility, and stability to do a full back, front, and overhead squat. The Overhead Squat is a basic Functional Movement Test for all sports, and one of the most valuable assessments you can do. This single movement divulges crucial information about mobility and stability in the kinetic chain.The assessment tests for bilateral symmetrical mobility and stability of the hips, knees and ankles. When combined with the hands held overhead, this test also assesses bilateral symmetrical mobility of the shoulders, as well as extension of the thracic spine. This course helps you to improve mobility and stability through a series of  progressions. Once you have achieved all the goals for each exercise at a particular level you advance through to the next level until you've finished the course. This course is for people of all ages, any sport, if you want to get better at Crossfit, or you just want to feel more mobile. 

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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