Udemy Improve Your Speaking Voice to Teach Online or Podcast Udemy
Price: USD 75

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    UpdatedOctober 2016

    20+5 star ratings!

    "Alot of question answered within the first few lectures. This isamazing". Peter


    "Onlyhad to watch the promo and a few previews and I was sold on thiscourse. And after taking it, I now know why. Roma goes over not onlyhow to speak clearly, but how to speak engagingly as well. Sheexplains how to speak so that your voice is easy to listen to...Thecourse itself is short, well structured, easy to follow, and oh soeasy to listen to. Thanks Roma!" Thomas


    "Very useful course - well presented with loads of useful info. I think Roma just about covers the voice from every angle."


    "I'm not an instructor but am starting a podcast. I'd found myself a bit hesitant, partially because of a lack of confidence in my voice. The exercises in Roma's course have been very useful in not only improving my vocal quality, but giving me more confidence to actually launch my next project. Definitely recommended."


    Areyou producing online courses or podcasting but feel like your voice needs a littlehelp?

    Maybe you are having trouble with practical things likeprojection, vocal fatigue, or changes in vocal tone. Let me teach yousome practical things you can learn quickly that will help you standout as an instructor or podcast presenter.

    My name is Roma Waterman, I have been a professional vocal coach,singer/songwriter, author and speaker for over 20 years. Oneof the biggest comments I receive is "How can I improve my voice tobe a great online instructor or for podcasting?" This is why I created this course!

    Let me give you tips you can implement to improve your voice straightaway. This is an easy, no fuss, get to the point program that willget you doing what you really want to do....teach, and teach well!

    I have created 19easy to listen to lectures to help you learn fast - so you can geton with the business of producing a winning course. There are PDFPrintouts and notes, and simplequizzes to test your knowledge.

    As a top vocal instructor I know the in's and out's of what it takes to create a prime voice that sells. You don't need to be a singer or actor to learn these essential tips that many performers use.

    What you need is a little bit of time training your voice to perform well to set you up for a lifetime of communicating brilliantly.

    This course will help you recognise what makes an amazing online instructor stand out among the rest!

    Updated on 22 March, 2018
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