Udemy IAS37 - Provisions, Contingents Liabilities & Assets Udemy
Price: USD 15

    Course details

    A review of the key concepts and principles of International Accounting Standard 37 (IAS37) on Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets.

    The course includes theoretical principle lectures including a Standard on a page (SOAP) summary. These principles are then illustrated practically in class examples that focus on journalising the recognition and measurements principles contained in the standard.

    You will need to download the lecture slides and work through the lecture videos and the class examples.

    The course is structured to assist three categories of delegates who require knowledge of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS):

    • Students studying accounting at university;
    • Candidates studying to pass board and professional exams;
    • Professionals looking to keep up to date with continuing professional education.

    The Tabaldi approach is practical and our lecturers focus on making the sometimes complex principles of financial reporting simple and practical.

    You will need to engage with the lecturer with pen in one hand and calculator in the other, mental application and a proactive approach will ensure that you master this topic under financial reporting and accounting.

    Updated on 23 May, 2018
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