Talents Mine HR Fundamentals Talents Mine
Price: EGP 1,700

Course details

Introduction to human resource management

Role of the human resource professional

Recruitment & selection

Recruitment process
Assessment frameworks
Job descriptions and Job Analysis
Competency Based Interviews (CBI)
Job Offering

Learning & development

Difference between training and development
Training Needs Analysis
Measuring the training efficiency

Performance management

Difference between performance management and performance appraisals
Tools of performance management
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Compensation and Benefits

Salary Structure
Payroll process
Fixed and variables

Labor and Insurance Law

Social insurances law
Basic & Variable Pay
Income Tax
Taxable and non-taxable income Updated on 15 May, 2019

Job roles this course is suitable for:

HR Professionals , Line Managers , willing to join HR

About Talents Mine

Talents Mine is HR consultation and Learning Solutions Company. As today’s market competition becomes very aggressive, Talents Mining is the science of sorting of large amounts of human capitals and identifying their potentials. Talents Mine helps the individuals to sharpen their skills to climb their corporate ladders and achieve their career goals. Talents Mine enables the individuals and organizations to view the competition as an opportunity instead of viewing the competition as an obstacle.

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