- Duration: Flexible
Course details
"As a backing vocalist for the madden brothers, Im always looking to keep my voice in tiptop shape. I've used Romas teaching and exersises for years as it is simply brilliant. Couldnt reccommend her more highly as a vocal coach". Judd
"Ireally enjoyed this course, Roma is so engaging, funny, positive andvery easy to watch. I love all the valuable information, tips andtricks for singers like myself. We never stop learning so I wouldrecommend this to everyone who wants to further their knowledge insinging."Corrine
"Verynice ! Master of her trade, filled with useful knowledge in abundance!"
Ifyou want to:
- Singhigher, louder and stronger without vocal fatigue or difficultexercises;
- Understandthe most common singing terms and become a well educated vocalist;
- Askquestions and if the answer has not already be provided I will add avideo to the course;
- Download scales for you to use, in your vocal range....
Thenthis is the most important onlinecourse you'llever purchase!
HowTo Sing #2: Increase Vocal Range & Blend Registers: Vocalworkouts to get you singing higher, louder & stronger willhelp youincrease your vocal range andfindyour own vocal range (alto/mezzo/soprano/bass/baritone/tenor).
HowTo Sing #2: Increase Vocal Range & Blend Registersisfor every singerwho wants to singhigher (or lower) with more flexibility, but can't find the right exercises.
It'sthinkingyou can't increase your vocal range.That you are born with what you've got.
But that's not the end ofyour problems with singinghigher, lower, louder and stronger...
Whatmakes this even worse is the fact that withoutthe right training, your vocal ability will notimprove!Which means youmay be practicing with the wrong exercises and doing damage to yourvoice rather than helping it improve.
And,worst of all, many singerscan'tget past the idea that youneed singing lessons to increase your vocal range andflexibility.
Allthis can make trying to increaseyour vocal range really frustrating!But luckily for you, there's now a solution!
REMARKABLERESULTS!Vocalexercises to blend vocal registers, increase vocal range,improvevoice flexibility to sing higher, louder and stronger without vocalfatigue or difficult exercises -Fast;
AFRESH APPROACH!TheSinging Dictionary Ebook of Common Singing Terms allowsyou to understandthe most common singing terms and become a well educated vocalist -100% Foolproof
DELIVERS!Q&Avideos of most common voice questions (i.e. Have you ever wonderedwhat chest voice//head voice really means? What is falsetto?) .....askquestions and if the answer has not already be provided, I will add avideo to the course.
DEPENDABLE!Videoson voice classification & vocal registers. Deliversthe key to findyour own vocal range (alto/mezzo/soprano/bass/baritone/tenor)-Easily
EXCITING!PlacementImagery Exercises which helpyou touse mysimple 'mind/thinking' technique that will help strengthen andexpand your vocal range - WithEase
Ifyou have some experience with singing technique and would like toexpand your skills - this is a 'take you to the next level' course.
Don'tdelay getting started to sing higher, louder and stronger withoutvocal fatigue or difficult exercises!
Updated on 11 March, 2020
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