Udemy How to Setup Private Ethereum Blockchain Consortium on AWS Udemy
Price: USD 45
  • Duration: Flexible

Course details

In this course I will teach you how to setup & configureyour own Private Ethereum-basedBlockchainon AWS cloud using EC2 Ubuntu Servers. We will see how can we setup first fewnodes & get the command line access using the SSH & Geth.

Ethereumis the Open Blockchain Platform to build decentralizedapplications aka DApp or Smart Contracts. It is aplatform having large developers & supporters to help you build the applications faster & quicker.

At the end of this course you will be able to create, connect & use your own personal Ethereum-basedBlockchain Consortium or network where one or more nodes willbe mining the Blockchain. You will be be able to see the fund transfer functionality using MetaMask chrome extension.

In this course we will go through practicals:

  • Launching the EC2 Servers,
  • Installing the Geth Client,
  • Launching & connecting the multiple nodes,
  • Start mining testing ether transfer using MetaMask chrome extension

I designed this course for students who want work on a Ethereum Blockchain Project, professors who wants to teach Blockchain, entrepreneur who wants to build the products on Ethereum Blockchain, investors who wants to assess the startups for investment, & employees who wants to work of their office projects using MultiChain.

Please check out the complete description, preview the lectures, join the practical learning of Ethereum Blockchain &Learn how to setup your own Private Blockchain.

PS: I am the CEO of RecordsKeeper Blockchain-based record keeping solution.

Updated on 14 November, 2018
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