Course details
Do you use alcohol as a way to unwind and relax?
Does your social life revolve around alcohol?
Do you want to quit drinking alcohol but you're at a loss for what to do next, how to replace the alcohol in your life?
Do you find yourself irresistibly drawn back to your old way of life?
Successfully quitting drinking alcohol is something you do in a moment. What takes time is dealing with the alcohol lifestyle that you've built up around your alcohol drinking over many years.
Take alcohol out but follow the same lifestyle and you'll fail to stop because you fail to eliminate the drinking triggers.
Hang Loose Without Booze is about finding that preferred lifestyle.
In this course you will learn:
- How to relax, have fun, and manage your stress levels.
- How to alter your nutrition to positively affect your moods.
- How to quickly loosen-up your body and mind.
- How to radically alter your thinking about stress and relaxation.
- How to easily lift your moods and keep them naturally elevated.
- How to do all this without poisoning your body with drugs.
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