Course details

Most people know what they don't want; fewer truly know what they do want. As such, many people live a life by default, rather than a life by design and sometimes find themselves unmotivated and disengaged in life and work.

In an increasingly busy environment we are all being asked to "do more with less". But there is a lot more that we can control in our life, work and finances than we are giving ourselves permission for. There are things we can't control sure and rather than waste time and energy on what we can't control, the key is getting real clarity on what we can control, so we can take more responsibility and be more resilient.

This program all about you getting clarity about your top motivations in your work life, and what you can do to ensure you are as motivated as possible, and how to stay that way!

Clarity Creates Control.

Updated on 31 October, 2015
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